Stormwater Education

Iowa Stormwater Education for Local Leaders (I-SWELL) (ISWELL-01)

This concise, informational training is designed for busy elected officials & community leaders. In 1.5 hours, presenters identify the link between land use & water resource protection to help communities be better prepared to address stormwater issues and opportunities.

Topics discussed include:
- Reconnecting Iowans to Water (Luke Hoffman, Iowa Rivers Revival)
- Stormwater Basics for Community Leaders (Aaron Gwinnup, EOR)
- Stormwater Ordinances: Lessons Learned (Rudy Koester, City of Waukee)
- Crafting a Stormwater Master Plan (Patrick Beane, City of Des Moines)
- A New Funding Approach: Batch & Build (John Swanson, Polk County)
  • Survey
  • ISWELL Video
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed